Notice of Public Meeting of
Strategic Planning Committee
To: |
Councillors Andy Paraskos (Chair), Bob Packham (Vice-Chair), Andy Brown, John Cattanach, Richard Foster, Hannah Gostlow, David Hugill, Tom Jones, Andrew Lee, John Mann, John McCartney, Yvonne Peacock, Neil Swannick, Roberta Swiers and Andrew Timothy. |
Date: |
Tuesday, 10 December 2024 |
Time: |
10.00 am |
Venue: |
The Grand Meeting Room, County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AD |
Members of the public are entitled to attend this meeting as observers for all those items taken in
open session. Please contact Stephen Loach of Democratic Services (contact details below) if you
have any queries. Recording is allowed at Council, committee and sub-committee meetings which
are open to the public. Please give due regard to the Council’s protocol on audio/visual recording
and photography at public meetings. Anyone wishing to record is asked to contact, prior to the
start of the meeting, the named democratic services officer supporting this committee. We ask that
any recording is clearly visible to anyone at the meeting and that it is non-disruptive.
The Council operates a scheme for public speaking at planning committee meetings. Normally
the following people can speak at planning committee in relation to any specific application on
the agenda:
a speaker representing the applicant,
a speaker representing the objectors,
a parish council representative
the local Division councillor.
Each speaker has a maximum of three minutes to put their case. If you wish to register to speak
through this scheme, then please notify Stephen Loach of Democratic Services (contact details
below) by midday on Thursday 5 December 2024 If you are exercising your right to speak at this
meeting, but do not wish to be recorded, please inform the Chairman who will instruct anyone who
may be taking a recording to cease while you speak.
The meeting will be available to view once the meeting commences, via the following link - Recordings of previous live broadcast meetings are also available there.
You may also be interested in subscribing to updates about this or any other North Yorkshire Council committee through the following link - subscribing to updates
1. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 8 October 2024
(Pages 5 - 10) |
2. |
Declarations of Interest
3. |
ZC23/04361/EIAMAJ - Erection of ground mounted solar farm (up to 43MW) and associated infrastructure including access to the A61, internal access tracks, customer substation, DNO building, storage container, 2no. power stations, pole mounted CCTV, fencing and landscaping - Land East Of Wormald Green, Wormald Green, North Yorkshire
(Pages 11 - 42) |
4. |
22/01558/EIAMAJ - Outline planning application for the erection of up to 480 dwellings, provision of football pitches and ancillary building, provision of cricket pitch and pavilion, with associated access roads, car parking, landscaping, open space and infrastructure including works to the adopted highway to create site accesses. All outline matters reserved except for points of access - Land comprising field at Grid Reference 428025 453431, Beckwith Head Road, Harrogate, North Yorkshire
(Pages 43 - 106) |
5. |
22/00479/OUT - Outline planning permission with all matters reserved apart from access for the construction of a motorway service area comprised of an amenity building; petrol filling station; drive-thru coffee shop; parking facilities; internal access roads; services areas and other associated facilities including landscaping and amenity areas with a new roundabout junction and other highway works on the A6055 - Barton Motorway Truck Stop, Junction 56 A1(M), Barton, DL10 6NA
(Pages 107 - 140) |
5(a) |
Update Report - 22/00479/OUT - Outline planning permission with all matters reserved apart from access for the construction of a motorway service area comprised of an amenity building; petrol filling station; drive-thru coffee shop; parking facilities; internal access roads; services areas and other associated facilities including landscaping and amenity areas with a new roundabout junction and other highway works on the A6055 - Barton Motorway Truck Stop, Junction 56 A1(M), Barton, DL10 6NA
(Pages 141 - 144) |
6. |
19/00473/FUL - Full Planning Permission for Motorway Service Area Comprising Amenity Building, (Shops, Restaurants, Lounges, Tourist Information, Gaming Room and Cash Machines, Toilet Facilities, Administration Offices and Staff facilities, Servicing , Storage Areas, and Ancillary Uses), 100 Bedroomed Hotel, Drive Thru Costa and McDonald's Restaurants, Fuel Filling Station with Shop (total 10,855 sq. m Gross Floorspace) , Car, Lorry, Motorbike, Cycle, Caravan and Coach Parking, Electric Vehicle Charging Facilities, Amenity Lake and Associated Landscaping with Dog Walking Facilities and Landscaping with Access to J52 on the A1(M) (As Amended) - Land East of Junction 52 on the A1(M) At Catterick, Pallett Hill Farm, Catterick Village, DL10 7PG
(Pages 145 - 196) |
6(a) |
Update Report - 19/00473/FUL - Full Planning Permission for Motorway Service Area Comprising Amenity Building, (Shops, Restaurants, Lounges, Tourist Information, Gaming Room and Cash Machines, Toilet Facilities, Administration Offices and Staff facilities, Servicing , Storage Areas, and Ancillary Uses), 100 Bedroomed Hotel, Drive Thru Costa and McDonald's Restaurants, Fuel Filling Station with Shop (total 10,855 sq. m Gross Floorspace) , Car, Lorry, Motorbike, Cycle, Caravan and Coach Parking, Electric Vehicle Charging Facilities, Amenity Lake and Associated Landscaping with Dog Walking Facilities and Landscaping with Access to J52 on the A1(M) (As Amended) - Land East of Junction 52 on the A1(M) At Catterick, Pallett Hill Farm, Catterick Village, DL10 7PG
(Pages 197 - 200) |
7. |
C3/22/01304/CPO - Proposed extension to Settrington Quarry with restoration to nature conservation habitat on land at Settrington Quarry, Back Lane, Settrington, Malton, YO17 8NX.
(Pages 201 - 266) |
8. |
NY/2022/0278/73 - Application to vary condition No. 1 of Planning Permission Ref. C3/19/01386/CPO to allow an extension of time to recover remaining mineral resources on land at Settrington Quarry, Back Lane, Settrington, Malton, North Yorkshire, YO17 8NX
(Pages 267 - 314) |
9. |
C8/2022/1115/CPO - Planning application for removal of condition No.7 of Planning Permission Ref. C8/2009/1066/CPO to allow blasting in the southern extension area on land to the south of existing quarry, Jackdaw Crag Quarry, Moor Lane, Sutton, Tadcaster, LS24 9BE
(Pages 315 - 372) |
Barry Khan
Assistant Chief Executive